Junior accountmanager tweetalig

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Junior accountmanager tweetalig

In het kort

Are you interested in international sales and marketing? Then this junior accountmanager bilingual programme is a great choice for you!

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  • Leerweg / niveau: bol / 4
  • Startmomenten: augustus
  • Duur: 3 jaar
  • Crebo: 25877

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You will learn everything about international sales and marketing. During this bilingual junior account manager course you get started with various methods that can be used to sell products/services, how marketing is used by sales departments, how to deal with financial figures, and the principles of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to ensure positive customer relationships. Topics as intercultural competences, international business orientation and your own personal development are also a part of this programme. All of the business related topics during this course are offered in English.

Just like in high school, you take courses. General subjects such as Dutch, Mathematics, and Career and Citizenship are always part of the curriculum. You also have more specific courses related to the junior accoutmanager bilingual programme.

Each course has 'Keuzedelen'. You can choose which 'keuzedelen' you want to follow. Would you prefer to broaden your knowledge? Or do you prefer to specialise in a profession? This way, you distinguish yourself in the field or you can easily progress to your further education.

The course junior accountmanager bilingual contains three phases:

  1. Foundation phase
    During this phase you will learn more about topics as: internal analysis of an organisation, external analysis of the organisations environment and the customer journey
  2. Advanced phase
    After an internship of ten weeks, you will learn everything about the process of a successful sale, account planning and account management. The exams of the general subjects will also take place during this phase
  3. Graduation phase
    After the exam preparation you will start your final internship of 30 weeks. During this internship the business exams will take place

Besides lessons and projects, we encourage various international excursions and business trips. Such as an internship abroad and obtaining additional certificates as Cambridge (English), Goethe (German) and EBBD (internationally acknowledged Certificate of Excellence in European Business Behaviour and Democracy).

Sitting in a classroom listening all day? Definitely not!

During this course you spend a lot of time at Koning Willem I College working on projects with fellow students. This way you practice with methods that can be used to sell products or services, how you can use marketing when closing a sale, the principles of customer relationship management and how to deal with financial figures. You will also follow guest lectures and visit companies. In all projects we aim to involve international companies and the latest trends and developments.

The 30 weeks internship element of the course provides the opportunity to become a trainee of an actual company, often with the possibility to be hands-on with the daily tasks, demonstrating and developing skills whilst achieving real-life work experience for the resume! During the internship you will do your final business exams. We encourage and support an internship abroad.

Only companies listed on www.stagemarkt.nl are approved for our internships. In order to achieve the EBBD, an internship abroad is required.

After graduating from this international course junior accountmanager bilingual you are ready to enter the work field. As a qualified junior account manager you will most likely be working for a small or medium sized enterprise, in jobs that are closely related to account management. More of an enterprising person? This program also equips you to start your own business.

In your job you are responsible for selling the products or services of your company. You are the source of information via communication with prospective customers. You are also responsible for the internal order processes and incorporating market research into proposals. A junior account manager role requires sales guidance and consultancy for larger customers. Being the day-to-day contact for customers requires maintaining positive long-term relationships in addition to coordinating projects with the customer.

With your business diploma, you can opt for a bachelor's degree (hbo) programme. Don't feel like studying for another 4 years? You can also progress to an associate degree (a two-year programme at bachelor's level).

Verplichte kosten
Ministerie (lesgeld) € 1419,-
First year € 200,-
Second year € 200,-
Third year € 50,-

Lesgeld (jaarlijks) is verplicht wanneer je op 1 augustus van het nieuwe schooljaar 18 jaar of ouder bent. Vermelde kosten zijn voor schooljaar 2024-2025.

Vrijwillige kosten
First year € 450,-
Second year € 450,-

To start this programme, you need:

  • a pre-vocational secondary education (vmbo) diploma (kaderberoepsgerichte, gemengde of theoretische leerweg)
  • or a level 2 vocational education (mbo) diploma
  • or a level 3 vocational education (mbo) diploma
  • or at least a progress statement from havo (senior general secondary education) year 3 to havo year 4 or from vwo (pre-university education) year 3 to vwo year 4

Extra activity
An English test is mandatory to determine your level in English before starting this course.

At graduation you will receive more than your business diploma. You will receive a Cambridge certificate for English B2 level.

You can become a Junior European Parliament Ambassador. Koning Willem I College is a European Ambassador School.

Did you know?

That we also ...

... offer a fast-track programme of two years for this course? The fast-track programme is a possibility for those who would like to speed up the learning process and have the skills to work focused and independently.

The fast-track programme is for you, if you have:

  • a progress statement from havo (senior general secondary education) year 4 to havo year 5
  • or a progress statement from vwo (pre-university education) year 4 to havo or vwo year 5

Please contact us at [email protected]

Een schooldag

Business instruction  
Business tasks  
* Dit is een voorbeeld van hoe een schooldag eruit zou kunnen zien.
Studenten werken op laptop in Excel
40% Praktijk
60% Theorie
Hoeveel tijd ben je bezig in de praktijk?

You will spend around 40% of the programme junior accountmanager tweetalig on practice related subjects and tasks. The remaining time of this course is about the theory.

in cijfers

Student tevredenheid 6,6
6,4 landelijk
Geslaagde studenten 56%
67% landelijk
Afgestudeerden met werk -
- landelijk
Gebouw locatie Vlijmenseweg


Je vindt deze opleiding op de volgende locatie(s):

Telefoon: 073 624 9 624
Meer over deze locatie

Hoofdingang: Henri Dunantstraat

Ervaringen van (oud)-studenten

Het verhaal van Victoria

Victoria, tweedejaars student international business, e-commerce specialist tweetalig, wist al vroeg dat ze ‘iets met handel’ wilde doen. “Ik kom uit een familie met ondernemende mensen en ik zocht iets met uitdaging.” En omdat ze half Oekraïens is, wilde ze een opleiding met een internationale achtergrond.

Victoria | Student e-commerce specialist tweetalig

Lees meer
Student van internationale opleiding met vlaggen van verschillende landen
Copyright Koning Willem I College 2025